+++ Catch-up date +++
1 + 1 = 1 – two poetic voices that become one
Reading by
José F.A. Oliver and
Mario Martín Gijón
Mario Martín Gijón and José F.A. Oliver. Two poets who become one voice. One translates the poems of the other. From Spanish to German and from German to Spanish. A happy union.
Meet two of the most experimental language creators of today's poetry in Spain and Germany. The poetry collection "cuerPOEMAS, VERSb:leibend" by Mario Martín Gijón will be published at this year's Frankfurt Book Fair by Schiler&Mücke-Verlag (Berlin/Tübingen), and a selection of works by José F.A. Oliver will be published in Seville, Andalusia, in 2023.
EJOT Holding GmbH & Co. KG,
Foyer, Im Herrengarten 1
Monday: 4th of September 2023
7.30 pm
6,- € / 3,- €
José F.A. Oliver
José F.A. Oliver, of Andalusian origin, was born in 1961 in Hausach (Black Forest/Germany), where the poet and essayist lives and works. He is also active as a literary translator of poetry. Mainly from and into Spanish. Awarded, among others, the Adelbert von Chamisso Prize (1997), the Culture Prize of the State of Baden-Württemberg (2007), the Basel Poetry Prize (2015) the Liliencron Lectureship (2019) and the Heinrich Böll Prize (2021). Poetics lectureships at M.I.T. (Cambridge / USA), the University of Cork (Ireland), TU Dresden, LMU Munich and together with Terézia Mora at the University of Bayreuth, among others.
Publications (selection Germany): Fahrtenschreiber. Poems. Suhrkamp. Frankfurt a.M. 2010; Fremdenzimmer. Essays. weissbooks.w. Frankfurt a.M 2015; sorpresa, unverhofft – Lorca, 13 Einschreibungen. hochroth. Berlin 2015; Gedichte aus Istanbul, 4 Briefe und 10 Fotow:orte. Matthes & Seitz, Berlin 2016 and wundgewähr. Gedichte. ibid. 2018 and most recently together with Mikael Vogel Zum Bleiben, wie zum Wandern - Hölderlin, theurer Freund. 20 Gedichte und ein verzweifeltes Lied. SCHILER&MÜCKE Publishers. Tübingen/Berlin 2020.
Oliver is the curator of the literature festival Hausacher LeseLenz (www.leselenz.eu), which he initiated, and has helped to develop the writing workshops for schoolchildren and the teacher training at the Literaturpädagogisches Zentrum (LpZ) in Stuttgart.
Further information about the poet and essayist José F.A. Oliver can be found on the Internet:
Mario Martín Gijón
Mario Martín Gijón, born in 1979 in Villanueva de la Serena (Spain), is a Spanish-language writer. Between 2004 and 2008 he was a teacher of Spanish language and literature at the Philipps University of Marburg and between 2008 and 2010 at the Masaryk University in Brno (Czech Republic). Since 2010 he has been teaching at the Universidad de Extremadura (Spain).
He has published several academic monographs, mainly on exile literature, as well as volumes of poetry, novels and short stories. Among others, Latidos y desplantes (Madrid, Vitruvio, 2011), Rendicción (Madrid, Amargord 2013. Tratado de entrañeza (Madrid, 2014) and Des en canto (Valparaíso/Barcelona, RIL Editores, 2019). Published in the UK in a translation by Terence Dooley: Sur(rendering), Shearsman Books 2020; A Polish translation Zaklin(ow)anie, translated by Joanna Studzinska, is planned for 2023.
An anthology of his poems in Serbian, translated by Duska Radivojevic (Banja Luka/Belgrade, Petar Kocic Foundation) was published in 2021. Other poems by him have also been translated into French, Italian, Romanian and Chinese and published in various journals.
In 2020, he was awarded the Novi Sad Literature Prize.


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