Die Erpressung
Reading by
Javier Cercas
Rikarde Riedesel
Javier Cercas is an internationally renowned Spanish writer whose novels have been translated into more than 30 languages. Now his second crime novel about the investigator Melchor Marín has been published in German, which he will present at this year's Literaturpflaster.
From the solitude of the Terra Alta, Melchor Marín returns to lively Barcelona. When the mayor of the metropolis is unscrupulously blackmailed, there are signs of a political scandal. Melchor, with his unbroken sense of justice, investigates a mysterious offender whose motives remain unclear.
His search leads to the spokesmen for Catalan independence, characterized by cynicism, ruthlessness and unrestrained greed. And, quite unexpectedly, he finds himself confronted with his own past.
This fascinating and exciting novel offers a glimpse into the backrooms of power and is an angry statement against corruption and populism.
Could you imagine a better venue for this than the local court in Bad Berleburg?
Local Court Bad Berleburg, Im Herrengarten 5
Thursday, 20th of October 2022
7.30 pm
6,- € / 3,- €
Javier Cercas
Javier Cercas, born in 1962 in Ibahernando in the Spanish Extremadura, lives as a writer, publicist and university lecturer in Girona. He became internationally known with his novel "Soldiers of Salamis". Today his work has been translated into more than 30 languages. For "Der falsche Überlebende" (S. Fischer 2017), he received, among others, the Prix du livre européen 2016 and the Chinese Taofen Prize 2015 for the best foreign book. For his most recently published novel "Terra Alta", he was awarded the Premio Planeta 2019.


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