Lecture by
Michael Kaminski
pilgrim referee, adult educator, Munich
In the beginning is the longing for….change. No matter in which life situation you are, which search moves you, or which upheaval, which question of orientation occupies you - pilgrimage brings change. Anyone who decides to go on a pilgrimage will say goodbye to the old, set off and dare something new. You can set out from anywhere, from Berleburg as well as from Belgium or Burgos.
What is the fascination of pilgrimage, especially on the various wonderful Camino de Santiago routes in Spain? What is so helpful about setting out with your issue and dreams, your crisis or quest, and experiencing a healing mixture of nature, movement, freedom and independence? At the same time, you feel safe in a community shaped by the old tradition and the spirituality of pilgrimage.
On this evening, Michael Kaminski will read from his two books "Pilgern mitten im Leben" and "Pilgern quer durch's Jahr". His texts and lively reports tell of fascinating people who deal with their different life stories and issues.
Location: Dritter Ort Bücherei der Zukunft, Poststraße 42 (Stadtbücherei)
Thursday, 6th of October 2022
7.30 pm
6,- € / 3,- €