Exhibition: "Nancy Vo - author and illustrator"
by Nancy Vo
Introduction: Jean-Claude Lin
publishing director Verlag Freies Geistesleben
Nancy Vo, Canadian author and illustrator, impressively demonstrates the union of word and image in her two picture books "The Outlaw" and "Ranger", which were also published in German. Not only children are fascinated about these books because of the author's unique illustration technique, a mixture of ink, watercolors and the transfer of newspaper print onto Rising Stone-henge paper.
A selection of Nancy Vo's work will be on view as part of the Literaturpflaster Canada in Bad Berleburg. Jean-Claude Lin, director of the publishing house Freies Geistesleben as well as translator of the two picture books, will introduce the exhibition and and portray the author and artist in relation to her work.
In her books, Nancy Vo expresses different perspectives of friendship and trust in an authentic way: In "Ranger," she describes respect and mutual aid between Ranger Annie and a wounded fox; "The Outlaw" is a story of redemption when a boy ends the distrust between villagers and a stranger.
Sparkasse Wittgenstein, Poststraße 15
Monday, 25th of October 2021
7 pm (registration required!)
The exhibition runs from 25th of October to 26th of November 2021.
Opening hours:
Mon. - Fri. 8.15 am - 12.30 pm
Mon. - Wed. and Fri. 1.30 - 4.00 pm
Thu. 1.30 - 7.00 pm
Nancy Vo
Nancy Vo grew up where the sun rises over the prairies and sets behind the Rocky Mountains. She studied art and architecture, joined the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators and decided to become a picture book designer.
By day, she works as an urban planner and is politely tolerated by her colleagues for her puns and argyle socks. At night, at ungodly hours, she sits down at the drawing board.
Nancy Vo lives in Vancouver BC in Canada.

Jean-Claude Lin
Jean-Claude Lin, born in London in 1955, first studied sinology, then philosophy, mathematics and history of science.
Since 1986 he has been working at Verlag Freies Geistesleben, where he has been responsible for the management since 1991. He is the responsible editor of the life magazine a tempo, and in 2015 he also took over the overall management of the publishing houses Freies Geistesleben and Urachhaus.

Sparkasse Wittgenstein
Poststraße 15 · D-57319 Bad Berleburg
Phone (0 27 51) 922 - 0 · Fax (0 27 51) 922 - 1800
eMail internet(at)sparkasse-wittgenstein.de
Internet www.sparkasse-wittgenstein.de

Verlag Freies Geistesleben
Landhausstraße 82 · D-70190 Stuttgart
Phone (07 11) 2 85 32 – 00 · Fax (07 11) 2 85 32 – 10
eMail info(at)geistesleben.com
Internet www.geistesleben.de