Due to a bereavement, the lecture by Prof. Collado Seidel on 3 November unfortunately has to be cancelled. However, it has been possible to arrange a prompt date. Prof. Carlos Collado Seidel is looking forward to giving his lecture on the identity of Spain on 14 November 2022, at 7.30 pm in the Abenteuerdorf Wittgenstein.

Tickets already purchased remain valid or can be returned at the Tourist Info.

"What is Spain? Nation, lived past and identities in Spain today"

Prof. Dr. Carlos Collado Seidel (Photo: David Sirvent / Goethe Institut Madrid)

Lecture by
Prof. Dr. Carlos Collado Seidel
University of Marburg

Generations could read in Spanish school books that the Spanish nation dates back to the unification of Castile and Aragon under the Catholic Monarchs and the conquest of Granada in 1492. However, five years earlier, Catalonia attempted secession, citing the independence it had lost in 1714. A few years earlier, the question of independence had also been on the political agenda in the Basque Country. How does all of this fit together?

The lecture will clarify how these different national narratives and the resulting political conflicts are related to each other. It will trace the relevance of history and cultures that have developed over centuries, and last but not least the various languages spoken in Spain, which are described with reference to the Spanish constitution in the keyword "nation of nations".

Abenteuerdorf Wittgenstein, Am Wernsbach 1, Bad Berleburg-Wemlighausen

NEW: Monday, 14th of November 2022

7.30 pm

6,- € / 3,- €

Prof. Dr. Carlos Collado Seidel (Biography)


74 K


Abenteuerdorf Wittgenstein

Abenteuerdorf Wittgenstein

Am Wernsbach 1 · D-57319 Bad Berleburg-Wemlighausen
Phone (0 27 51) 37 72
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