"Spanish Fairy Tales" (VHS)
by Katja Heinzelmann
Fairy tales have a special significance in Spain. Fairy tales were collected as early as the beginning of the 12th century. However, interest died out and was only revived in the 18th century, inspired by the Brothers Grimm.
In Spanish fairy tales, there are two themes that are taken up again and again: The protagonists are characterised by great inventiveness. They cleverly solve difficult situations, quite differently than expected. The second focus is on miracles, which are told about in all variations in the fairy tales.
On this evening, Katja Heinzelmann's fairy tales wonderfully transport us to the Spanish fairy tale world full of surprises. So here, miracles still come true.
"Dritter Ort Bücherei der Zukunft", Poststraße 42
Tuesday, 13th of September 2022
6.00 pm
6,- € / 3,- €
Registration via the VHS is requested!

Volkshochschule Siegen-Wittgenstein (VHS)
Koblenzer Straße 73 · D-57072 Siegen
Phone (02 71) 333 - 1519 · Fax (02 71) 333 - 1470
eMail vhs(at)siegen-wittgenstein.de
Internet www.siegen-wittgenstein.de/vhs

Stadtbücherei Bad Berleburg
„Dritter Ort Bücherei der Zukunft“
Poststraße 42 · D-57319 Bad Berleburg
Phone (0 27 51) 923 - 150 · Fax (0 27 51) 923 - 17 - 150
eMail stadtbuecherei(at)bad-berleburg.de · Internet www.bad-berleburg.de