The Dreamer
Reading by Andrea Hirata
Moderation and translation:
Dr. Peter Sternagel
Andrea Hirata is a real star at the Frankfurter Book Fair due to his second novel that has been published in German. In Indonesia Hirata is one of the most popular authors and his two novels about his childhood and adolescence have been turned into films.
"Ikal is twelve – old enough to work and to support his family which belongs to the poorest on the island Belitung in Indonesia. But he wants more – he owes that to his teachers of the Rainbow Troops who taught him to fight for his dreams. Together with his friends Arai and Jimbron he earns some money as a dock worker; so he can afford to attend high school. Andrea Hirata uses a very direct and sensitive language to describe Ikal's courageous and confident development. 'The Dreamer' is a very touching and lively modern fairy tale describing many different stages like the crossing to Jakarta on a cattle truck, the misery of the big city with innumerous homeless people and the arrival in Paris as a student." So kündigen die Hanser Verlage die Übersetzung an.
Andrea Hirata will be supported by his German translator, Dr. Peter Sternagel, the moderator of the evening.
Further information about "Andrea Hirata" can be found on the internet:
Rompel Fachmarkt, Am Hilgenacker 46-48
Sunday, 18th of October 2015
8 pm
5,- € / 2,- €
Andrea Hirata
Andrea Hirata was born on Belitung, Indonesia, where he lives today. He holds a degree in Economics from the University of Indonesia. After receiving a scholarship from the European Union he continued his studies at the universities of Paris and Sheffield.
His debut "The Rainbow Troops" (translated into 25 languages) made him the most popular author of Indonesia. Both "The Rainbow Troops" and "The Dreamer" have been turned into films.
Source: Hanser Buchverlage

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