Photo exhibition: "Graffiti in Yogjakarta"
by Markus Kirchgessner
"Some places might be grey but Yogjakarta is different, however, as it is said to be the origin of Javanese culture and one of the last active Sultanate of Indonesia. The city gets really colourful when the heat becomes more bearable, when the natives take a rest on their pillows underneath rattling fans and the last tourists are on their way to the hotel. This particularly applies to those nights when the guys from YORC or FSK (Flameable Seven Kids) pack sprayers, put on their base caps and hoodies and take their mopeds to go to work in the silence of the night. This is their real work; by day they are waiters, taxi drivers, designers or teachers. The currency of the night shift is fame. YORC means Yogjakarta Art Crime, a group of street artists who want to make their city a bit more colourful on the quiet." This is how Doris Klein describes the sprayer scene in Yogjakarta.
Fascinated by the creativity of this scene the photographer Markus Kirchgessner wanted to get to learn more about the graffitis and the artists.
The result is an impressive exhibition with a lot of interesting pictures on this year's Literaturpflaster.
Further information about Markus Kirchgessner can be found on the internet:
Volksbank Wittgenstein eG, Poststraße 30
Tuesday, 1st of September 2015
7 pm
Opening times:
Mon. – Fri.: 8.30 am - 12.30 pm
Mon., Tue., Wed., Fri.: 2 - 4 pm
Thu.: 1.30 - 6 pm
You can visit the exhibition from September 1st to October 2nd 2015.

Volksbank Wittgenstein eG
Poststraße 30 · D-57319 Bad Berleburg
Telefon (0 27 51) 93 79 - 0 · Telefax (0 27 51) 93 79 - 399
eMail info(at)