"Indonesia: A young democracy between tradition and modernity"
A presentation about policy and society of the biggest economy of South East Asia
by S. E. Dr.-Ing. Fauzi Bowo,
Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia
Indonesia, special guest at this year's Frankfurter Book Fair, is said to be the biggest island nation in the world as it is made up of over 17.000 islands. The landscape of many islands is dominated by volcanoes, rice fields and spectacular sceneries. Once Indonesia was famous for its spice islands and closely connected with European wealth. The history of Indonesia is very exciting: The former colony became independent and the state developed from an authoritarian regime into a democracy with the biggest Muslim population in the world.
Indonesia is a populated country, the fourth largest in the world, with about 250 million people. There are many different faiths, more than 300 ethnic groups and there exist more than 700 languages besides the national language Bahasa Indonesia. Tradition and belief play a fundamental role in this diverse culture.
At the same time the young democracy Indonesia is characterized by a social change: The biggest economy of South East Asia, residence of the ASEAN Secretariat, is constantly growing and influences the socio-political circumstances of the country. It is predicted that Indonesia will belong to the seven biggest economies in the world in 2030.
S. E. Dr.-Ing. Fauzi Bowo, the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia, will give an insight into the policy and society of a country between tradition and modernity.
Visitors can experience the fascinating variety of the "17.000 islands of imagination" at the Frankfurter Book Fair (14th to 18th October 2015) in the Indonesian pavilion.
Further information about the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Berlin (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) can be found on the internet:
Schloss Berleburg, Goetheplatz 8
Friday, 4th of September 2015
8 pm
5,- € / 2,- €

Vita S. E. Dr.-Ing. Fauzi Bowo
188 K |

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