Multivision Show
"Indonesia - Experience Dreams From Bali to Borneo"
by Dirk Bleyer
Indonesia is a world of islands, each with its own character. Dirk Bleyer toured the country for half a year, often under challenging conditions. His live broadcast offers the opportunity for visitors to join the “island hopping” and he will take them into exotic worlds. Due to his long stay he could get to know in detail the life, the belief and the habits of the natives and he presents his experiences and impressions of his trip.
The reportage starts with Bali, the island of joy of life. Although they are anything but rich the Balinese thank their gods to have the privilege to live in a tropic paradise, and beyond the tourist centers you can find the lovely genuine Bali.
From the island of gods Bleyer moves to Java which is very impressive due to the spectacular landscapes shaped by the volcanoes. On Siberut he experiences the animistic belief of the natives. Sumatra is not only fascinating because of the beautiful beaches but because of its matriarchal society, where the fate of a man is determined by a woman. Komodo appears like a relic from prehistoric times because of the giant monitor lizards.
After many stations his journey comes to an end on Borneo (Kalimantan), the third largest island in the world. Bleyer crosses this island with the help of a Jeep, by boat und on foot. He spends adventurous weeks with unforgettable encounters with the inhabitants; he sleeps in longhouses and even survives severe malaria.
That is why his Indonesia reading is both multi-facetted and rich in contrast. It deals with rice fields, palm beaches, weird mountain landscapes deep in the jungle. Bleyer tells about gods and daemons, traditions and myths. He will present an exotic illustrated broadsheet with great attention to detail.
Further information about "Dirk Bleyer" can be found on the internet:
Hall of the Johannes-Althusius-Gymnasium, Im Herrengarten 11
Thursday, 29th of October 2015
8 pm
7,- € / 3,- €

Presented by:
Krombacher Brauerei
Bernhard Schadeberg GmbH & Co. KG
Hagener Straße 261 · D-57223 Kreuztal-Krombach
Phone (0 27 32) 8 80 - 0 · Fax (0 27 32) 8 80 - 254
eMail info(at) · Internet

Dirk Bleyer
Fidicinstraße 15 · D-10965 Berlin
Telefon (0 30) 6 91 89 98 · Fax (0 30) 6 92 11 33
eMail info(at) · Internet

Johannes-Althusius-Gymnasium Bad Berleburg
Im Herrengarten 11 · D-57319 Bad Berleburg
Telefon (0 27 51) 71 69 · Fax (0 27 51) 35 53