Eye on Indonesia – a multiethnic state of the Pacific Rim"
Ethnicities – culture – handcraft
by Klaus-Werner Friedrich
Prof. Dr. Ralf Schnell
The word Indonesia can be easily associated with South sea dreams, remoteness or holidays. But the diversity of Indonesian ethnicities can be experienced even here in Wittgenstein.
The exhibition "Eye on Indonesia" shows traditional Indonesian objects of art and articles of daily use of the last 6 decades. Collectors brought along these things that originate from different ethnic groups living on diverse islands. The artisan works and handicrafts highlighted in this exhibition reflect the cultural traditions of the island kingdom.
Additionally, Klaus Werner Friedrich will present photos taken during his journey through Indonesia. He turns out to be a trained observer as his pictures emphasize the special features of Indonesian handcraft. This concerns on the one hand the fantastic works of the wood carvers and on the other hand the colorful batik artworks. The second part of the exhibition shows a very special part of Indonesia: children. Hans-Werner Friedrich focuses on children in a traditional environment and depicts both their everyday life as well as ceremonies with children.
"Eye on Indonesia" is a journey beginning just right in front of your door.
Sparkasse Wittgenstein, Poststraße 15
Thursday, 24th of September 2015
7 pm
Free Admission.
You can visit the exhibition from September 24th to October 30th 2015.

Vita Klaus-Werner Friedrich
183 K |
Traditional Indonesian objects of art

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