"From dibber to hand tractor – the development of life conditions in the rural areas of Indonesia."
Presentation by
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Scholz
About half of the population in Indonesia still lives in the countryside and even today the agriculture sector is the main employer although urbanization, industrialization and the services sector are still growing rapidly.
Ulrich Scholz stranded in Indonesia in 1969 as a “tramp” by chance. Since then he visited Indonesia around 20 times in different missions: As a trainee he worked for a German development project, he had been teaching pupils at a German school in Jakarta for one year, he worked as a planner of the region and as a specialist for land use in all provinces of Sumatra, he run ten excursions in different parts of the country and eight teaching projects for ten geography students of the university of Gießen, he managed several research projects on Sumatra and Java and as a guest prof he taught at the university of Yogyakarta. His first journey home he paid with money he earned as a worker on a cargo ship.
In the meantime he crossed the islands Java, Bali and Sumatra by motorbike, he explored the impassable Mentawai islands by folding boat, cared for houses in Jakarta, made trekking tours through Sulawesi and New Guinea, ranged the rain woods of Sumatra and climbed 13 volcanoes.
On the whole he spent eight years in Indonesia, partly with his family. His richly illustrated reading deals with the highlights of his time in Indonesia.
Aula des Johannes-Althusius-Gymnasiums,
Im Herrengarten 11
Thursday, 10th of September 2015
8 pm
5,- € / 2,- €


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