Wittgenstein and the Orangemen

A historical excursion through the mostly unrevealed neighborhood relations

Dr. Ulf Lückel
Gouda Sint Janskerk Glas Prinz von Oranien
Wappen Nassau (Königshaus)

Presentation by Dr. Ulf Lückel

For many centuries now, the relations between Wittgenstein and the Netherlands have been existing even though they were recognized in Germany just in the 20th and 21st century: The guests from the Netherlands love to visit the low mountain range in South Westphalia and that they build the largest group of tourists in this region. The interesting histories of these two regions have many things in common – and will be portrayed in Lückel´s presentation: It is an excursion into the early shared and later on separated history.

The development of the Netherlands from the point of view of South Westphalia and the mostly unknown view of Wittgenstein provides an insight into the exciting Nassauian-Orange history. Both, the strong interrelationship and the differences will be emphasized. Lückel´s speech about the many facets of the relationship between the Dutch and the people of Wittgenstein will be supported by a big portfolio of pictures. In addition the neighborly terms of the people of Nassau, the Siegerland and Waldeck will be shown.

This evening means an interesting journey through 500 years of living history.

Cafeteria der Odeborn Klinik, am Schloßpark 11

Thursday, 27th of October 2016

8 pm

5,- € / 2,- €

Dr. Ulf Lückel

Dr. Ulf Lückel is an evangelic theologist and church historian. He studied at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, the Kirchliche Hochschule Bielefeld-Bethel and the Philipps-Universität Marburg. He has graduated with his work „Adel und Frömmigkeit. Die Berleburger Grafen und der Pietismus in ihren Territorien“ in 2012.

The contributor is an author of many publications, for example the History of Pietism, the Territorial History of Wittgenstein and he works as an editor for the magazine „Wittgenstein. Blätter des Wittgensteiner Heimatvereins e.V.“ since 2010.

Beyond that there are lectureships inside and outside of the country.

HELIOS Rehakliniken Bad Berleburg - Odebornklinik

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