Exhibition: "Phantasie und Geschichte - Illustratoren aus Flandern und den Niederlanden."
by Charlotte Dematons,
Ann de Bode and Peter Goes
Introduction: Bart Moeyaert, artistic director of the host country presence
Dutch and Flemish illustrators are characterized by their colourful fantasy and their carefree style. The organisers of the Flemish and Dutch guest team of honour have arranged an own exhibition with original illustrations by Charlotte Dematons, Peter Goes and Ann De Bode on the subject of history for the host country presence at the Frankfurt Book Fair. The works of the three illustrators are connected with the author’s own and personal positions.
Charlotte Dematons draws on the colourful history of her home country in her book "Die Niederlande", whereas Peter Goes reflects on the origin and history of the universe in his detailed and richly coloured work "Die Zeitreise. Vom Urknall bis heute".
Ann De Bode, who made the illustrations of "Das Mädchen und der Soldat" by Aline Sax, writes about a special friendship between a blind girl and a black soldier during the First World War. The precise and sensual language by Aline Sax is getting combined with oppressive illustrations by Ann De Bode.
Bart Moeyaert, the coordinator of the art programme from the organization team of the host country presence, takes care of the introduction.
The artists will be present at the opening.
Further information about Charlotte Dematons, Ann de Bode and Peter Goes can be found on the internet:
Sparkasse Wittgenstein, Poststraße 15
Thursday, 15th of September 2016
7 pm
Opening times:
Mon-Fri 8:15 am – 0:30 pm
Mon-Wed and Fri 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Thu 1:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Exhibition is opened until 31st of October 2016.

Contribution to the Official Guest of Honour Programme
Flanders & the Netherlands. Guest of Honour at Frankfurt Book Fair 2016

Sparkasse Wittgenstein
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