A crocodile under the bed
Reading by Ingrid and Dieter Schubert
Moderation: Marlen Jourdan
Gee, there´s a crocodile under Lotte´s bed. But Lotte is not afraid, not a bit. Lotte wants to play. But the crocodile tries to hide on the cabinet. “Come down!” Lotte says. There is no reason for the crocodile to be scary, isn´t it? After the crocodile dares to come down they have lots of fun together. They perform the most daring tricks. And they bake at least one hundred pancakes. Tasty! And before they go to sleep the crocodile tells a bedtime story.
A courageous heroine, a friendly crocodile and beautiful illustrations are the right ingredients for a great story.
Ingrid and Dieter will tell their stories to the children of the four kindergartens, they will read out and paint and of course they will answer all urgent questions of the young listeners. Everyone already looks forward to this funny event.
Further information about "Ingrid and Dieter Schubert" can be found on the internet:
Ev. Kindergarten Zwergenland
Bad Berleburg-Girkhausen, In der Oster 2
AWO Kindertagesstätte Arfeld
Bad Berleburg-Arfeld, Kreuzstraße 6
Familienzentrum Blauland
Bad Berleburg-Raumland, Am Grünen 8
Familienzentrum Laubfrosch
Bad Berleburg, Eichenweg 5
Tuesday, 25th of October 2016
Wednesday, 26th of October 2016
Internal event
Ingrid and Dieter Schubert
Ingrid, born in 1953, and Dieter Schubert, born in 1947, have been writing and illustrating very popular picture books for many years. Together they studied at the Universities of Applied Sciences of Düsseldorf and Münster, later they taught there. They have two adult daughters and they have been living and working in Amsterdam for many years. Their joint works were published in over 20 countries

Ev. Kindertagesstätte Zwergenland
Osterweg 2 · D-57319 Bad Berleburg-Girkhausen
Phone (0 27 58) 3 04
eMail ev.kita.zwergenland(at)kk-wi.de

AWO Kindergarten Arfeld
Kreuzstraße 6 · D-57319 Bad Berleburg-Arfeld
Phone (0 27 55) 83 33 · Fax (0 27 55) 22 42 48
eMail KG-Arfeld(at)awo-siegen.de · Internet www.awo-siegen.de

Familienzentrum KiTa Blauland
Am Grünen 8 · D-57319 Bad Berleburg-Raumland
Phone (0 27 51) 5 19 27
eMail blauland(at)t-online.de

Familienzentrum AWO-KiTa Laubfrosch
Eichenweg 5 · D-57319 Bad Berleburg
Phone (0 27 51) 92 81 60 · Fax (0 27 51) 92 81 62
eMail KG-Laubfrosch(at)awo-siegen.de · Internet www.awo-siegen.de

FISCHER Sauerländer in der S. Fischer Verlag GmbH
Hedderichstraße 114 · D-60596 Frankfurt am Main
Phone (0 69) 60 62 - 0
eMail kinderundjugendbuch(at)fischerverlage.de
Internet www.fischerverlage.de/verlage/fischer_sauerlaender