Dit is wat we delen
Literature from Flanders and the Netherlands
between 1993 and 2016
Presentation by Prof. Dr. Jan Konst
This is what whe share – that is the slogan the Netherlands and Flanders use mutually as the guest of honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2016.
Flanders, meaning the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium, and the Netherlands share common history and the same language. And they even share literature. It entered the limelight in Germany in 1993, when Flanders and the Netherlands were the guest of honour once before. Cees Nooteboom and Harry Mulisch, Margriet de Moor and Connie Palmen: these and numerous other authors have an audience in Dutch- and German-speaking areas.
But what’s the difference between Dutch literature in the late 20th century and the early 21st century? Which topics are popular and which literary genres are favored over others? And are there any authors in the Netherlands and Flanders which can follow in the footsteps of authors of the book fair generation in 1993? These and other questions are getting answered by this introductory presentation.
So there’s exciting literature on prescription once again when the pharmacy is filled with culture instead of medicine.
Further information about "Prof. Dr. Jan Konst" can be found on the internet:
Kur-Apotheke Wolter, Poststraße 15 (Sparkassengebäude)
Wednesday, 7th of September 2016
8 pm
5,- € / 2,- €
Prof. Dr. Jan Konst
Prof. Dr. Jan Konst is a literary scholar und scholar of Dutch studies.
He has been working as a professor at the Free University of Berlin since 1994, at first in the field of ‚Dutch literature and language from the beginning to 1800‘.
He holds a chair of ‚Dutch Philology: Study of literature‘ since 2000.
His publications are about early modern-day literature, the Dutch-German links to literature and contemporary literature in the Netherlands and Flanders.

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