Der Riese, der mit dem Regen kam
Reading by Stefan Boonen
Moderation and translation: Rikarde Riedesel
"Albert and Kalinda share a secret: In a rainy night they saw a giant in front of their windows. At the same time. Albert saw him on the third floor and Kalinda on the seventh one. Actually Albert expected that his summer holidays would not be very eventful. But this time everything is different: The high-rise they all live in is to be sold and everybody will have to move out. Right now after he and Kalinda have become friends and after they have sought and found the giant. It is a pity! But luckily they promised each other to stay friends – forever!"
Stefan Boonen has the talent to connect the complicated everyday life with the blossoming fantasy of the children. He creates sensitive and amusing novels which inspire not only children and young people.
Further information about "Stefan Boonen" can be found on the internet:
Grundschule "Am Burgfeld" (Offene Ganztagsschule)
Bad Berleburg, Eichenweg 12
Grundschule Aue-Wingeshausen
Bad Berleburg-Wingeshausen, An der Schule 6
Grundschule Berghausen
Bad Berleburg-Berghausen, Zum Kinderzentrum 2
Grundschule Dotzlar
Bad Berleburg-Dotzlar, Eichenstraße 2
Grundschule "Im Odeborntal"
Bad Berleburg-Wemlighausen, Schüllarhammer 7
Grundschule "Unterm Heiligenberg"
Bad Berleburg-Elsoff, Unterm Heiligenberg 2
Monday, 26th of September 2016
Tuesday, 27th of September 2016
Wednesday, 28th of September 2016
Internal event
Stefan Boonen
Stefan Boonen, born in 1966, lives today in Leuven (Belgium) with his wife and his two children. He began a carpentry apprenticeship and was a social worker for several years before he decided to be a full time author and to write books for children and young people as of 2000.
Stefan Boonen writes storybooks and books for early readers and young people, non-fiction books and plays.
Literature prizes:
»Ein Mädchen, sieben Pfannkuchen und ein roter Koffer«
Storybook of the month July 2015
(German Academy for Literature for Children and Young Adults)

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