Fünf Meter unter dem Meer
Reading by Tilmann Bünz
Moderation: Bettina Born
Dutchmen get along without curtains for their windows; they cycle in all weathers and are notorious for their greenhouse vegetables. Their language sounds familiar even it appears a bit hoarse. They are so close and yet so far away. But how are they really like? The Netherlands are the only country in Europe that only exists due to the great will of its citizens, the Dutchmen created their country of their own. This has left its marks on the people between the North Sea and the large rivers.
The ARD-Reporter Tilmann Bünz questions this prejudice. He examines what is left of the legendary tolerance and he participates in a naturalization ceremony in a hall full of headscarves. He tastes tomatoes, accompanies bicycle thefts and sails across the ice of the Ijsselmeer. He visits old resistance fighters and he asks why Dutchmen suddenly like Germany. His trip in the Netherlands begins between millions of tulips and ends in the canals of Amsterdam – always by bike because that is the best way to get to know the country and the people.
You cannot afford to miss the chance to experience these facets of the country. This will be an entertaining reading evening full of knowledge and stories about our neighbours.
»The Netherlands told by the Dutchmen, extending from the resistance fighter against the Nazis to the Muslim mayor of Rotterdam. Tilmann Bünz’s portray of this country is how it should be and which is often rare to find: Individual and political, full of experience of the reporter, but also from an analytic perspective on the status of Europe.«
Jochen Bittner, Die Zeit
»A very personal portray – from the point of view of a lover who wants to understand his love even better.«
Wouter Meijer, Dutch Broadcast Company
Sanitätshaus Kienzle, Sählingstraße 16
Monday, 26th of September 2016
8 pm
5,- € / 2,- €
Tilmann Bünz
Tilmann Bünz has been travelling around the world for the ARD for over 20 years. He loves the North and the Netherlands.
His destinations: peace service in Amsterdam, Protestant Academy of Tutzing, editor at the Tagesschau and Tagesthemen, North Europe correspondent of the ARD, deployments abroad in Tokyo, Bangkok, Washington, London. He is the author of about two dozen television broadcasts like „Die Niederlande. Unbekannte Nachbarn" (“The Netherlands. Unknown Neighbours.”).
Tilmann Bünz is married and has two grown-up children.

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