Kindergarten reading
by Béatrice Rodriguez
Moderation: N.N.
Whenever a chicken thief strikes – especially if it's a sly fox – then the drama is hard to beat. So here too. The enraged friends of the victim take up the chase and hang on until the night. Then everybody needs to rest. The exhausted chicken sleeps still in the arm of the thief. The fox doesn't make a wild impression anymore at all, rather a delicate one. What's wrong with him?
Béatrice Rodriguez tells her story of the chicken thief and its sequels "Das Zauberei" and "Das Hühnerglück" just with images. The plot in all three books is surprising, exciting, full of affection and can be told in every language.
Further information about "Béatrice Rodriguez" can be found on the Internet:
Ev. Kindergarten "Zwergenland"
Bad Berleburg-Girkhausen, In der Oster 2
Ev. Kindertagesstätte "Senfkorn"
Bad Berleburg, Am Sengelsberg 25
Familienzentrum "Blauland"
Bad Berleburg-Raumland, Am Grünen 8
AWO Kindertagesstätte Berghausen
Bad Berleburg-Berghausen, Zum Kinderzentrum 4
Wednesday, 4th of October 2017
Thursday, 5th of October 2017
Friday, 6th of October 2017
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