"Tête à tête – Kopf an Kopf. German and French illustrators between caricature and literature"

Ausstellung: Tête à tête – Kopf an Kopf. Deutsche und Französische Zeichner zwischen Karikatur und Literatur
Ausstellung: Tête à tête – Kopf an Kopf. Deutsche und Französische Zeichner zwischen Karikatur und Literatur

An exhibition of the Institut Français

Introduction by the curator: Walther Fekl

The exhibition "Tête à tête – Kopf an Kopf" deals with literature and literary men. The works of many well-known politically motivated caricaturists will be shown.

Besides some political cartoons there will be various illustrations of the four Frenchmen Honoré, Daniel Maja, Pancho and Nicolas Vial as well as of the three Germans Rainer Ehrt, Walter Hanel and Frank Hoppmann. Their works are focused on portraits and portrait caricatures ranging from Beckett to Voltaire and from Brecht to Zweig. Their creations are a visual homage to books and literature.

It is an exhibition that will make you think, laugh and wonder.

Further information about the "Institut Français" can be found on the Internet:

Volksbank Wittgenstein eG, Poststraße 30 a

Monday, 11th of September 2017

7 pm

admission is free

Opening hours:

Mon - Fri 8.30 am - 12.30 pm
Mon - Wed and Fr. 2 - 4 pm
Thu 1.30 pm - 6 pm

The exhibition runs from September 11 until October 6, 2017.

Walther Fekl

Fekl studied Romance and German Studies in Erlangen and Montpellier. He passed his state examination in 1969. Afterwards he worked at various schools (in Hesse and at the French Gymnasium in Berlin) and universities (Paris-Sorbonne and Val de Marne, FU Berlin, European University of Frankfurt / Oder).

He initiated about a dozen German-French caricature exhibitions, mostly for the Goethe Institute and Instituts Français, among others Komische Nachbarn / Drôles de voisins (1988, with R. Dietrich), Plantu: Drôle de peuple / Komisches Volk. Politische Karikaturen zu Deutschland (2011); Paarlauf / Pas de deux (2013); Die Geste von Verdun – Mitterrand-Kohl. Karikaturen aus drei Jahrzehnten (2014, with P. Ronge), each with a bilingual catalogue.

He is a member of the research group "Bildsatire" / Équipe interdisciplinaire de recherche sur l'image satirique (EIRIS) since 1992. Besides, he works as a French translator..

Institut français Deutschland

Französische Botschaft in Deutschland
Pariser Platz 5 · D-10117 Berlin
Phone 0049 (0) 30 - 590 03 9000
eMail info(at)institutfrancais.de
Internet www.institutfrancais.de

Institut français Deutschland

Volksbank Wittgenstein eG

Poststraße 30 a · D-57319 Bad Berleburg
Phone (0 27 51) 93 79 - 0 · Fax (0 27 51) 93 79 - 399
eMail info(at)vb-wittgenstein.de
Internet www.volksbank-wittgenstein.de

Volksbank Wittgenstein eG

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