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Luc Blanvillain: Tagebuch eines Möchtegern-Versagers (School reading): Berleburger Literaturpflaster

Tagebuch eines Möchtegern-Versagers

Luc Blanvillain
Luc Blanvillain: Tagebuch eines Möchtegern-Versagers

School reading by Luc Blanvillain

Translation: Maren Illinger

Being highly talented sounds cool? The twelve-year-old Nils would rather be normal. Then he might watch TV or play football instead of learning. Suddenly he comes up with a diabolic plan: What if he gets bad grades on purpose? Unfortunately, Nils lying gets a little out of control. But what is being highly talented for – if not to find good solutions?

Nils writes a diary since he can't talk with anyone about his plans, but then the diary falls into wrong hands and the catastrophe seems to be inevitable, but things turn out differently than you think. The diary is entertaining, funny and full of surprises.

Ludwig-zu-Sayn-Wittgenstein-Schule (Hauptschule)
Bad Berleburg, Hermann-Böttger-Weg 7
Städtische Realschule Bad Berleburg
Bad Berleburg, Hermann-Böttger-Weg 9

Monday, 25th of September 2017
Tuesday, 26th of September 2017
Wednesday, 27th of September 2017

Internal school events

Luc Blanvillain

Luc Blanvillain, born in Poitiers, France, in 1967, is father of three children. He is a French teacher and has already published several successful children's and youth books in France. In his books he likes to draw attention to students, parents and teachers – thus the diabolic trio he gets confronted with every day. His motto: »The world is my greatest source of inspiration. I only let it spin a little faster or less round.«


Hauptschule der Stadt Bad Berleburg
Hermann-Böttger-Weg 7 · D-57319 Bad Berleburg
Phone (0 27 51) 41 14 - 0 · Fax (0 27 51) 41 14 - 29
eMail info(at)hauptschulebadberleburg.de · Internet www.hauptschulebadberleburg.de

Ludwig-zu-Sayn-Wittgenstein-Schule | Hauptschule der Stadt Bad Berleburg

Städtische Realschule Bad Berleburg

Hermann-Böttger-Weg 9 · D-57319 Bad Berleburg
Phone (0 27 51) 41 10 - 0 · Fax (0 27 51) 41 10 - 29
eMail info(at)rs-blb.de · Internet www.rs-berleburg.de

Städtische Realschule Bad Berleburg

S. Fischer Verlage - FISCHER KJB

S. Fischer Verlage - FISCHER KJB

S. FISCHER Verlag GmbH
Hedderichstraße 114 · D-60596 Frankfurt am Main
Phone (0 69) 60 62 - 0 · Fax (0 69) 60 62 - 319
eMail kontakt(at)fischerverlage.de
Internet www.fischerverlage.de/verlage/fischer_kjb

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