"Norwegen - vom Fjordland bis Spitzbergen"
by Klaus-Peter Kappest
In his two-hour Leicavision "Norway" Klaus-Peter Kappest depicts a loving, critical and often amusing impression from the northern edge of Europe.
In the last 25 years he has made several journeys across the country every year. Now he talks about the changes in the country, about the animals and humans he met, and about the enormous contrasts that characterize the country. He shows the splendor of warm spring flowers in the fjords, the midnight sun in Lofoten, the bright colors of autumn in Lapland and the winter on the Arctic coast.
The tour concludes with an expedition to the edge of the North Pole in order to find some polar bears living around Spitsbergen. But Klaus-Peter Kappest also talks about the people in Norway whose lives have changed more in only one generation than in any other western country: the mountain farmers in the Fjordland, the fish-ermen along the coast and the Sámi people who breed reindeer on Finnmarksvidda. Today, they seem to be a bit torn between the revival of old Viking traditions, omni-present troll stories and colorful traditional costume parades on the one hand, and the latest technology and natural science on the other hand.
Further information about the photographer "Klaus-Peter Kappest" can be found on the Internet:
Aula of the Johannes-Althusius-Gymnasium,
Im Herrengarten 11
Tuesday, 24th of September 2019
7.30 pm
7,- € / 5,- €

Impressions of Klaus-Peter Kappest:

Vita Klaus-Peter Kappest
226 K |

Presented by:
Krombacher Brauerei
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Bad Berleburg
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