"Norwegian fairy tales" (VHS)
by Katja Heinzelmann
Norwegian fairy tales belong to the European fairy tales and therefore they are quite similar to the stories we know. However, they are characterized by regional features. The protagonists in those stories are often trolls of all sizes with one or more heads and they might be even equipped with magical power.
There are typical Norwegian utensils or landscape features which become important things and places in Norwegian fairy tales such as pieces of butter, sheets, white bears, puddles, swampy ponds or large rocks. The hero often has to fulfill tasks like walking through huge forests or even crossing seven blue mountains. The royal court in the tales appears typical Norwegian: It is not a castle, but a farm, but of course of very large dimensions.
Get to know the world behind the seven blue mountains when storyteller Katja Heinzelmann invites you to Norway.
Altenzentrum "Haus am Sähling", An der Gontardslust 11
Thursday, 26th of September 2019
6.30 pm
5,- € / 2,- €

Volkshochschule Siegen-Wittgenstein (VHS)
Koblenzer Straße 73 · D-57072 Siegen
Phone (02 71) 333 - 1519 · Fax (02 71) 333 - 1470
eMail vhs(at)siegen-wittgenstein.de
Internet www.siegen-wittgenstein.de/vhs

Altenzentrum "Haus am Sähling"
An der Gontardslust 11 · D-57319 Bad Berleburg
Phone (0 27 51) 81 - 620 · Fax (0 27 51) 81 - 667
eMail saehling(at)johanneswerk.de
Internet johanneswerk.de/de/einrichtungen/haus-am-saehling/startseite.html