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Ragnar Hovland: Alfred the bear and Samuel the dog get out of the cardboard box (Reading): Berleburger Literaturpflaster

Alfred the bear and Samuel the dog
get out of the cardboard box

Ragnar Hovland (Foto: Eli Berge)
Ragnar Hovland: Alfred der Bär und Samuel der Hund steigen aus dem Pappkarton

Reading by
Ragnar Hovland

The Norwegian writer, children's author, translator and musician Ragnar Hovland visits the kindergartens and primary schools of Bad Berleburg to present his recent edition of his children's book "Alfred the bear and Samuel the dog get out of the cardboard box".

Alfred and Samuel are two old stuffed animals who crawl out of a cardboard box in the attic and decide to take their lives into their own hands and no longer dream of the beautiful time gone by in Paul's nursery. They set off to find their old friend Paul and go through lots of adventures. They learn a lot about friendship, trust and courage, because their journey is not very comfortable. Only one little hint, they will find a new home, but how will it look like?

You will find out during the reading with Ragnar Hovland or just read it yourself.

Ev. Kindergarten "Zwergenland"
Bad Berleburg-Girkhausen, Osterweg 2
Ev. Kindertagesstätte "Senfkorn"
Bad Berleburg, Am Sengelsberg 25
Familienzentrum "Blauland"
Bad Berleburg-Raumland, Am Grünen 8
AWO Kindertagesstätte "Pusteblume"
Bad Berleburg, Berliner Straße
Elementary school Berghausen
Bad Berleburg-Berghausen, Zum Kinderzentrum
Elementary school Dotzlar
Bad Berleburg-Dotzlar, Eichenstraße 2
Elementary school Unterm Heiligenberg
Bad Berleburg-Elsoff, Unterm Heiligenberg 2
Elementary school Im Odeborntal
Bad Berleburg-Wemlighausen, Schüllarhammer

Monday, 23rd to Friday, 27th of September 2019

Internal event.

Ragnar Hovland

Ragnar Hovland, born in Bergen in 1952, is a Norwegian writer, children's book author, translator and musician. He studied art and French in Paris, writes for children and adults, and is one of Norway's most important authors. A new edition of "Alfred der Bär und Samuel der Hund steigen aus dem Pappkarton" will be published in fall 2019, illustrated by Peter Schössow. The children's book was nominated for the German Children's Literature Award and honoured with the Troisdorf Picture Book Award.

Ev. Kindertagesstätte Zwergenland

Ev. Kindertagesstätte "Zwergenland"

Osterweg 2 · D-57319 Bad Berleburg-Girkhausen
Phone (0 27 58) 3 04
eMail ev.kita.zwergenland(at)kk-wi.de

Ev. Kindertagesstätte Senfkorn

Ev. Kindertagesstätte "Senfkorn"

Am Sengelsberg 25 · D-57319 Bad Berleburg
Phone (0 27 51) 37 41

Familienzentrum KiTa "Blauland"

Am Grünen 8 · D-57319 Bad Berleburg-Raumland
Phone (0 27 51) 5 19 27
eMail blauland(at)t-online.de

Carl Hanser Verlag

Carl Hanser Verlag

Kolbergerstraße 22 · D-81679 München
Phone (0 89) 9 98 30 - 0 · Fax (0 89) 98 48 09
eMail info(at)hanser.de
Internet www.hanser.de

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