Exhibition: "The little world of the Pocket Man – eine Welt aus Papier"
by Ana Chubinidze
Introduction: Artist talk
The world famous Ana Chubinidze will visit Bad Berleburg for three days. She does not only create whole stories with paper and makes them move but she also creates wonderful illustrations for picture books. Ana Chubinidze will present a small selection of her works to the public in the course of the Berleburger Literaturpflaster Georgia.
In cooperation with the Stadtjugendpflege Ana Chubinidze designed workshops for teenager, but in her exhibition all interested people can gain an insight into her creative work. Her illustrations, drawings and paintings are characterized by their strong expression. The illustrations tell their stories in a very intensive way.
We recommend visiting the exhibition several times as the visitor will discover new wonderful details again and again.
Animation film
"The Pocket Man"
Ana Chubinidze's first animation film "The Pocket Man" is the first co-production between France, Switzerland and Georgia. The project was selected by "Artist-in-Residence program" young audience, and coproduced with collaboration of Folimage, Nadasdy film and Kvali XXI studios in 2016, and the support of Canal + Family, CNC, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, Procirep-Angoa, Nef animation, Annecy’s International Festival, Clermont-Ferrand International festival and Fair for Book and Press in Montreuil.
Up to now, the film is selected by 140 international festivals around the world, including Annecy Festival 2017 and received 19 Awards.
Exhibition presents handmade puppets, probs and backgrounds created for the film by Georgian and French artists together. Guests will discover all the magic behind short film "The Pocket Man".
Volksbank Wittgenstein eG, Poststraße 30 a
Tuesday, 16th of October 2018
6 pm
free admission
Opening hours:
Mon – Fri: 8.15 - 12.30 pm
Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri: 14.00 - 16.00 pm
Thu: 14.00 - 18.00 pm
The exhibition runs from October 16 until November 9, 2018.

5.0 M |
3.9 M |

Volksbank Wittgenstein eG
Poststraße 30 a · D-57319 Bad Berleburg
Phone (0 27 51) 93 79 - 0
Fax (0 27 51) 93 79 - 399
eMail info(at)vb-wittgenstein.de
Internet www.volksbank-wittgenstein.de

Le studio d'animation Folimage
La Cartoucherie, rue de Chony
F-26500 Bourg-lès-Valence
Phone +33 (0)4 75 78 48 68
Fax +33 (0)4 75 43 06 92
Internet www.folimage.fr

Nadasdy Films Sàrl
Rue Eugène-Marziano 39
CH-1227 Genève
Phone +41 22 300 20 54
Internet www.nadasdyfilm.ch

Studio Kvali XXI
Agmashenebeli ave. 164
0112 Tbilisi, Georgia
eMail kvalixxi(at)gmail.com
Internet www.facebook.com/pg/Film-Studio-KVALI-XXI-192774534600815