Reading by
Prof. Dr. Ralf Schnell
The literary scholar Ralf Schnell, patron of the Literaturpflaster, provides insight into the literature of France in our days. Crises and conflicts which currently scar our bordering country, his current political debates and the controversial intellectual discourses – they all resonate in literature which seismographically record and reflect the hardenings and disturbances, the breaks and contradictions of the Grande Nation. Schnell portrays representative authors and concise works in brief sketches – including Unterwerfung (2015) by Michel Houellebecq, Kompass (2016) by Matthias Enard and Die siebte Sprachfunktion by Laurent Binet. He identifies topics and traditions, describes outlines and re-enacts lines of development in order to work out the dominant aspects of contemporary French literature, especially novels.
A special emphasis will be put on the works of those French authors who are going to visit Bad Berleburg this year.
Literature on prescription in the Kur-Apotheke can't be missed at the Literaturpflaster.
Kur-Apotheke Wolter, Poststraße 15 (Sparkassengebäude)
Thursday, 7th of September 2017
8 pm
5,- € / 2,- €