Wenn es nur Licht gäbe, bevor es dunkel wird
Reading by Iunona Guruli
Moderation: Rikarde Riedesel
Iunona Guruli invents Georgian stories that are like wondrous films and always end far too soon. Her tales deal for example with a cuddly soft bird, forgotten in the coat pocket which turns out to be the patron saint of a young girl. Guruli invented the magical fairy tales of the lost father who assists the young woman in the deep darkness. It is gentle moments like these, full of pain, love and hope that make Iunona Guruli´s narrations of a torn Georgian youth shine and make her one of the most sensational female voices in contemporary Georgian literature.
Today, Iunona Guruli lives in Berlin and is currently working on her first novel in German language. The author proves elegance and sensitivity when she moves between cultures and languages. That is why this reading promises to be an impressive agenda highlight of the Literaturpflaster.
Abenteuerdorf Wittgenstein, Am Wernsbach 1
Bad Berleburg-Wemlighausen
Monday, 1st of October 2018
7:30 pm
5,- € / 2,- €
Iunona Guruli
Iunona Guruli, born 1978 in Tbilisi, Georgia, studied acting and journalism. For a long time she commuted between apartments, cities, countries. She has lived in Germany since 1999. After studying politics and history, she finally moved to Berlin, where she now lives as a translator for German and Georgian. »Wenn es nur Licht gäbe, bevor es dunkel wird« is her debut, which she herself transferred from Georgian. She is currently working on her first novel, which she is writing in German..

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