Reading by João Paulo Cuenca
Moderation and translation:
Michael Kegler
Book fairs are dominated particularly by young Brazilian literature written by highly skilled authors. One of them is João Paulo Cuenca, born in 1978 in Rio de Janeiro. He presents his second novel which was translated into German. In Brazil he got fame by publishing novels, plays and scripts and the literary magazine "Granta" named him one of the best young authors in Brazil in 2012. His novel "The Mastroianni Day" which is full of irony deals with the life style of the young generation. They try to escape the clichés and commonplace but this makes matters worse and they get more and more involved.
On this evening Michael Kegler introduces the author and he does not only present the current book by João Paulo Cuenca. He also delivers insight into the young literary scene in Brazil which will be exciting and entertaining.
João Paulo Cuenca
João Paulo Cuenca was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1978. He writes novels, plays and scripts. The famous literary magazine »Granta« named him one of the 20 best young Brazilian authors in 2012. Apart from his job as a writer he works as a culture journalist for different Brazil media. He lives in Rio de Janeiro.
Further information about "João Paulo Cuenca" and "Michael Kegler" can be found on the internet:
Sanitätshaus KIENZLE, Sählingstraße 16
Wednesday, 16th of October 201
8 pm
4,- € / 2,- €