Mama, I'm so happy
Reading by Luiz Ruffato
Moderation and translation: Michael Kegler
Luiz Ruffato is a special guest of the Literaturpflaster in Bad Berleburg as he is one of the most important modern authors of Brazil. For his novel »There were many horses« which has been translated into German last year Ruffato was awarded the prestigious Prêmio Machado de Assis of the National Library. His work consists of 69 episodes that reflect the voices of the metropolis of São Paulo.
On this evening the translator of Ruffato's novels Michael Kegler introduces the author and presents his latest novel published in German "Mama, I'm so happy". Main theme of the first edition of "Temporary hell" portrays the problems of the young immigrants and workers who try to flee their depressing family traditions and the provincial life.
In this night it will quickly become clear that the author and his translator build a great team. While talking about literature the story about the author will be told as well that is as interesting as a novel.
Further information about Luiz Ruffato and Michael Kegler can be found on the internet:
Cafeteria HELIOS Rehazentrum Bad Berleburg "Odebornklinik", Am Schlosspark 11
Tuesday, 15th of October 2013
8 pm
4,- € / 2,- €
Book review
"There were many horses"
(Hotlist 2013)
Hotlist 2013: One of the best books of the year!
The novel reflects in a detailed way the life in the megacity São Paulo. With a kind of paranoid precision the author successfully portrays the misery, the anxiety and the pain, the sound and the colours of the metropolis with 22 million inhabitants. A disturbing portray of a society that is torn in two.
Luiz Ruffato, Michael Kegler (translator): There were many horses. Novel. Assoziation A, 158 pages, hardback, 18,00 EUR (D)/ 18,50 EUR (A) / 25,90 SFr, ISBN 978-3-86241-420-8.
Luiz Ruffato
Luiz Ruffato, was born 1961 to a poor immigrant family in Cataguases in the Minas Gerais region. He worked as a shop assistant and as a mechanic and he studied journalism.
He made his literary debut with the collection of short stories in 1998. He published his novel »There were many horses« (Eles eram muitos cavalos) three years later which was praised by critics for revitalising Brazilian literature. For this work Ruffato was awarded the prestigious Prêmio Machado de Assis of the National Library. Literary critics of the magazine Globo awarded the book which was translated in several languages one of the ten best Brazilian novels of the last decade.
In the period from 2005 and 2011 Luiz Ruffato wrote the five-volume »Inferno próvisorio« (Temporary hell; Provisorische Hölle; in German by 2013 bei Assoziation A).
Luiz Ruffato lives in São Paulo.
Artikel über Luiz Ruffato
(Deutschlandfunk - 08.10.2013)
Die Welt des brasilianischen Proletariats
Luiz Ruffato: "Vorläufige Hölle", Verlag Assoziation
Mit "Mama, es geht mir gut" beginnt der brasilianische Schriftsteller Luiz Ruffato seinen fünfteiligen Romanzyklus "Vorläufige Hölle" über die brasilianische Arbeiterklasse. Er beschönt nichts, erzählt von Gewalt, Unterdrückung und gescheiterten Existenzen. Nun wurde der erste Band ins Deutsche übersetzt.
Von Victoria Eglau
Artikel über Luiz Ruffato
(Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) - 05.10.2013)
Brasiliens Last der kolonialen Vergangenheit
Geburt der Freiheit aus der Gewalt
Artikel über Luiz Ruffato
(Wiener Zeitung - 04.10.2013)
Gewalt und Atemnot
Ein literarischer Streifzug durch die brasilianische Megametropole São Paulo: Luiz Ruffato, Bernardo Carvalho und Lygia Fagundes Telles führen in einen spannungsgeladenen Lebensraum ...
Von Wolfgang Ludwig
(3sat Mediathek - 27.09.2013)
Die Stimme der einfachen Leute
Der brasilianische Autor Luiz Ruffato: Einer wie er schafft es normalerweise nicht nach oben: Doch der Autor Luiz Ruffato wird im Oktober 2013 bei der Frankfurter Buchmesse die brasilianische Delegation anführen.
Luiz Ruffato mit Michael Kegler - Faust Kultur
Buchmesse Frankfurt 2013: Mit Döblin in São Paulo | Literatur - Berliner Zeitung
By Mathias Schnitzler

Michael Kegler
Michael Kegler translates Angolan, Brazilian, Mozambican, Portuguese and other Portuguese literature. Publisher of the website dealing with literature and music of the Portuguese language area. Member of the Society for the advancement of the literature of Africa, Asia and Latin America. Cultural day labourer.
Michael Kegler, born in 1967 in Gießen. Grown up in Liberia, Brazil, Upper Hesse. A levels in Gießen, civilian service in Gießen, studies in Gießen and Frankfurt am Main. Worked at the "tfm-centro do livro e do disco de língua portuguesa" for seven years. Self-employed since 1997.

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