Reading by Patrícia Melo
Moderation: Otto Marburger
Translation: Bárbara Mesquita
Patrícia Melo is a Brazilian crime author who won several awards. She received the international German Krimipreis for her novel "O Matador" in 1998. Patrícia Melo's "Thief of a body" – by the way her 6th novel which was translated into German – is full of suspense although it does not deal with murder in the strict sense. The protagonist gets caught up in a whirlpool of extortion and criminal acts after a body was found in a crashed plane next to a packet filled with money and cocaine. Moral choices become more and more paradox. Patrícia Melo's thriller really captures the reader.
Patrícia Melo and her translator Bárbara Mesquita will leave the Frankfurter Buchmesse for one evening to come to the Literaturpflaster in Bad Berleburg.
Where better read a thriller than in the Local Court? The author, her translator and the moderator will sit at the judge's table to present exciting literature.
Patrícia Melo
Patrícia Melo, born in São Paulo in 1962. The author and dramaturge writes novels, radio plays and scripts. Patrícia Melo was named »leading author of the millenium« in Latin Amerika by the »Times«. Apart from that she received the »Prix Deux Océans«. Patrícia Melo lives in Switzerland.
Further information about Bárbara Mesquita can be found on the internet:
Amtsgericht Bad Berleburg, Im Herrengarten 5
Friday, 11th of October 2013
8 pm
4,- € / 2,- €
"Wer lügt gewinnt" + "Leichendieb"
(taz.blogs, 12.09.2013)
Brasilien auf der Buchmesse (3): "Krimiautorin" Patrícia Melo
Von Wolfgang Kaleck
Patrícia Melo: Wer lügt gewinnt, Übersetzung: Barbara Mesquita, Wagenbach-Taschenbuch, Mai 2012, 240 Seiten, 11,90 Euro
Patrícia Melo: Leichendieb, Übersetzung: Barbara Mesquita, Verlag Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart, April 2013, 208 S. (geb.), 18,95 Euro.
Book review "Thief of a body"
(Frankfurter Rundschau)
Lack of conscience
by Sylvia Staude
Patrícia Melo: Thief of a body. Thriller. Translated from Portuguese by Barbara Mesquita. Tropen 2013, 204 pages, 18,95 Euro.,1472266,23682878.html
LiBeraturpreis for Patrícia Melo
Literature and music of Brazil, Portugal and the Portuguese-speaking Africa.
Literary Life: LiBeraturpreis for Patrícia Melo
Elegant, malicious, sarcastic. Patrícia Melo was awarded with the "LiBeraturpreis" for her book "Thief of a body" (published by Klett-Cotta/Tropen, translation by Barbara Mesquita).
The LiBeraturpreis will be continued after 25 years by litprom