Flicts - A colour looks for friends

Ziraldo (Foto: Acervo Pessoal)
Ziraldo: Flicts

Reading in a kindergarten by Ziraldo
within the context of the Literaturpflaster

Moderation: Otto Marburger
Translation: Claudia Stein

Ziraldo set a milestone in the Brazilian children's literature with his picture book "Flicts". "Flicts" tells the story of a colour which is neither beautiful nor eminent. That is the beginning of his unavailing search for friends or a challenge. He is derided and rejected constantly until "Flicts" just disappears. But that is only half the truth because on closer inspection "Flicts" turns out to be something very special. But that would be telling. The Brazilian author Ziraldo will pass the secret on to the kids in the kindergardens himself.

The story is timeless and can be told in every country, the more we can consider ourselves lucky to have the opportunity to read the book in German and to receive the classic writer of children's books Ziraldo in the course of the Frankfurter book fair and the Literaturpflaster in Bad Berleburg as well.

Further information about "Ziraldo" can be found on the internet:

Ev. Kindergarten Zwergenland
Bad Berleburg-Girkhausen, In der Oster 2
AWO Kindertagesstätte Arfeld
Bad Berleburg-Arfeld, Kreuzstraße 6

Monday, 7th of October 2013

Internal presentation


Ziraldo Alves Pinto, born in 1932 in Caratinga (Brazil), studied in Rio and Belo Horizonte and he began his career as a cartoonist in 1954. He published his first coloured comic of Brazil in1960 but it had to be stopped soon after the beginning of the military dictatorship. Ziraldo joined the opposition journal O Pasquim which is permanently endangered in 1969. He was paid an enormous compensation in 2008 for his persecution during the "leaden years". The total number of copies published amounts to ten million.

Fundação Biblioteca Nacional Brazil - Ministério da Cultura | Ministry of Culture - Ministry of Foreign Affairs Brazil

Ev. Kirchenkreis Wittgenstein

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Ev. Kindertagesstätte Zwergenland

Ev. Kindertagesstätte Zwergenland

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AWO Kreisverband Siegen-Wittgenstein/Olpe

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